Well, it has been three weeks since our Board of Directors cancelled all public activities for the Society...followed by libraries and other businesses closing. These are historic times! This is not the first time that most everything has shut down and people told to stay home and not go out in public. -- think of the Flu of 1918, when many of our ancestors, or their family members and friends, died. We have also seen other episodes of quarantine during our lifetimes -- polio, scarlet fever, etc. ..I remember going to school one day in the fifties and being told one of my classmates was not in school because a family member had been diagnosed with scarlet fever and the entire family had been quarantined.
Yesterday, we in Massachusetts, learned that we are to stay in our homes until May 4! -- and, depending on how things develop, it could continue even longer. It is important during this time that we take care of ourselves, both physically and mentally. A very long article that was shared by someone on Facebook and originally written by a psychologist included a list of 25 tips for us all to be aware of during a period of quarantine.
He recommended that we set up a daily routine for ourselves, which should include a variety of
"Borrowed from a Facebook post this morning!" |
activities, making sure to include outdoor activities -- walking in your yard or in a nearby less-traveled area or just sitting on your deck will help lift your spirits. Keep in touch with family and friends; speaking to them on the phone occasionally or using FaceTime, Skype, whatever. Pay attention to your own health -- get exercise (there are videos on YouTube of exercise classes or even just put on some music and dance -- don't forget, you are quarantined, no one will see you, so no need to get embarrassed); eat healthy (this is the time to try some new recipes!); keep hydrated -- drink plenty of water. Consider those projects that you have been avoiding -- clean out a closet; organize your genealogical research or your photographs, take an online course on a subject you know little about (Google and YouTube can find all sorts of things). Most importantly, limit checking for coronavirus updates to once per day!! -- we do not need too many negative thoughts coming our way; although you will want to stay updated with the public health authority's latest report.
We always mention that the mission of our Society is to "educate", but within that mission is the statement: "
To maintain, develop, and make available to members and the general public a
collection of materials relating to genealogy, with the emphasis on Cape Cod and New England, and including both published and unpublished material." This morning the New England Historic Genealogical Society shared an article titled "Survivng a Pandemic, in 1918 " This article shared the experiences of Catholic nuns in Philadelphia who cared for the sick during the Flu pandemic. With all this in mind, we have an opportunity to share our own experiences now in the 2020 pandemic...
How are you doing? What activities, whether genealogical related or otherwise, are you doing to keep your spirits up? Do you have suggestions for others? Anything you would like to share about your experience is welcome.
You can comment on this blog below.... or on our Facebook page ... or by emailing info@capecodgenealogy.org. or. joan.frederici@capecodgenealogy.org.
Hope to hear from everyone soon!! In the meantime, stay healthy and safe!