We are currently living in a world dealing with a health crisis very similar to the one our ancestors experienced one hundred years ago. Today, however, we are fortunate to have the technology to help us get through this... our ancestors did not have the resources we have to assist us, as we make our way through "social distancing" recommendations. .. TV, internet, Facebook, FaceTime, Skype -- only a few of the tools we can use to keep in touch with the "outside world." However, we are the proof that life WILL return to normal one day and this crisis will be behind us, just as it did in 1919.
Here at Cape Cod Genealogical Society, we are working to keep you updated with what is happening within our own society, as well as the genealogical world around us.
All our public programs, meetings, events, etc, have been cancelled, until further notice -- this means that through the month of April, we will not be seeing you in person. What happens in May will be determined at a much later date and will be dependent on guidelines that are passed along to us. This is true of all other societies and events throughout the U.S. and the world. We will, however, be sharing information here in our blog, on our
CCGS website and on our
Facebook page This will include links to resources and webinars that are being offered in response to the current situation.
In the meantime:
- follow the recommendations of public health authorities and please stay home.
- It is a good idea to stay in daily contact, by phone, email, or even Facebook, with a couple of family members or friends, so that someone will always know that you are safe and healthy... This is especially important for those who live alone!
- Follow us on Facebook, or on this blog or our website, to learn about any news of interest, suggestions of resources or educational articles and videos related to genealogy
- If you have questions or content to share with CCGS, email us at info@capecodgenealogy.org
- Stay healthy!! and we look forward to seeing you all, when our public activities resume.