Mark your calendar to join us for the annual joint meeting of the Cape Cod Genealogical Society (CCGS) and the Falmouth Genealogical Society (FGS) on Saturday, November 10, 2018, at
St. Peter's Episcopal Church, 421 Wianno Ave in Osterville. The featured speaker at this year's meeting will be
The Legal Genealogist Judy G. Russell, JD, CG, CGL.
Ms. Russell will be giving two presentations; the first is entitled
"Finding the Law". Genealogists need to look at the law at the time and in the place where a record was created. Misunderstanding the legal context may make us miss records critical to our research or miss clues hidden in the records. But with 50 states and the federal government all passing laws, finding the law is easier said than done! The tips presented in this lecture will help us understand the legal system and then find the right law for the record we're working with. The second lecture is entitled
"Facts, Photos, and Fair Use: Copyright Law for Genealogists". Materials and records created by others are the bread-and-butter of genealogy. But whether copyright law allows use of old photographs, reports and articles can be murky at best. Staying out of trouble requires understanding what's copyrighted and what isn't, when and how copyrighted materials can be used, and how to handle issues that arise.
Judy G. Russell |
Judy Russell is a noted genealogist with a law degree and her objective as
The Legal Genealogist is, in part, to help folks understand the often arcane and even impenetrable legal concepts and terminology that are so very important to those of us studying family history. Ms. Russell holds credentials as a Certified Genealogist and Certified Genealogical Lecturer from the Board of Certification of Genealogists where she currently serves as a member of the Board of Trustees. She is a member of the National Genealogical Society, the Association of Professional Genealogists, and several state genealogical societies.
Optional Lunch: Lobster roll lunch with chips, brownie and beverage - $15, or chicken salad roll with chips, brownie and beverage - $9. Please make lunch reservations
absolutely no later than Nov 3 by contacting Judy Fenner at or at 508-776-9401 (leave message if no answer), and
please specify lunch choice.